Beyond Purification, Returned to Perfection

Implosion Water Technology for Pure, Mineral-Rich, Highly Absorbable Hydration.

The Lustra system returns water to its natural state

  • Lustra’s 7 Stage Filtration System brings the most advanced water filtration techniques to your kitchen, leaving your water with the feel, taste, and energetics of revitalized spring water.

    Stages 1-4
    Ultra purifies city tap water typically testing between 200–400 parts per million (ppm), to levels as low as 4–14 ppm.

    While "safe" tap water can legally contain up to 500 ppm, those parts often consist of a cocktail of heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals known to cause cancer. Stage 1-4 removes thousands of these up to 99%. See testing report.

    Stage 5
    Essential and trace minerals like calcium, and magnesium, are seamlessly restored using advanced ORP ceramic balls, catalytic carbon, tourmaline, and far-infrared technology. The minerals are selectable from 0 added minerals to over 150ppm. We prefer about 40-50ppm, but this is subjective to taste. If preferred you can prevent any minerals from going into the water.

    Stage 6
    Polishes the water post-tank with an additional layer of Carbon Block filtration.

    Stage 7
    Prior to coming out of your faucet the water vortexes through an array of precisely arranged silica spheres, around a core of rare earth minerals, and 24ct Gold. This breaks up and arranges the molecular water clusters, leaving the water oxygen rich and in a state highly absorbable to the body. Many people notice the smoothness or viscosity change that naturally occurs when water is revitalized in this way. For the curious, more will be provided in the research section. For people that just want and need the best, you now have it.

    • 5-year comprehensive warranty on Stages 1-6, made with American parts. (not including typical filter replacement).

    • 10-year warranty on Stage 8, assembled in the U.S.

    • Durable performance that will become central to your home and life.

    • Reliable water for your family with minimal maintenance.

    • Straight forward installation and filter replacement.

    • Certified installers available for scheduled appointments.

    • Support team ready to assist you at every stage.

Home Water Systems

Lustra Fresh

  • The Lustra Fresh focuses on Stages 1-5, Purifying city tap water to as low as 4–14 ppm. The system provides a 99% reduction of thousands of heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals known to cause cancer. The system allows you to add back minerals selectively to your taste.

Lustra Spring

  • The Lustra Spring continues water on its journey after purification through a vortex device revitalizing the water, and changing the viscosity to a state which is highly absorbable to every cell of the body. The result is extremely Pure, minerally rich, oxygenated water that is pre-digested for immediate absorption.

Lustra Gold

  • The Lustra Gold is what we personally use ourselves. After purification, water flows through a vortex device enriched with rare earth minerals like shungite and a 24K gold-lined core. These elements have well-documented benefits for the human body.

    For the curious, explore the research section. For everyone else—just know your water

Compact installation.


Tap Water

High Contaminants

Chemically treated.

Energy and mineral deficient.

Cancer-causing contaminants.

Poor absorption by human body.

Filtered Water

Reduced Contaminants

Incomplete contaminant removal.

Energy and mineral deficient.

May retain cancer-causing contaminants.

Inefficient absorption by human body.


Complete Purifcation

Broad spectrum contaminant removal.

Double 0-ring seal for 100% filtration.

Mineral Rich

Highly soluble, instantly bioavailable to the human body.

Energy potential of spring water.

Proof, not promises.

“I can’t thank you enough for introducing me to this water filter. After 61 years of life I can honestly say that this is the best water I’ve ever had regular access to. The most interesting discovery was that my 10 year old Labordoodle who previously would not drink water, loves this water, and will lap up the entire bowl the moment I set it down. (I sent a video showing him drinking it, feel free to share with others, it’s really a remarkable change.)”

— Claire H.

”I just wanted to send a note and share my experience with your water system. I live in lower Manhattan in New York City, which is said to have some of the best tap water in the world. I was shocked to find that my first stage filter was completely brown with rust when I did the filter replacement for the first time. Seeing the amount of visual contaminants on the filter was depressing, it made me realize what my body had been forced to filter all of these years. Regardless, I’m grateful that my neighbor told me about your systems, I assume it’s saving my kidney’s! It couldn’t have come at a better time. Thanks again.”

— Michael C.

”Hi there, this message is for Matt who helped me get set up with your drinking water system a few months ago. I just wanted to mention that I had my blood work drawn last week, and yesterday after reviewing the results my doctor asked me, “what I had changed, since my last blood work”? I had to think for a minute because I really hadn’t changed anything apart from the water. I mentioned that I was drinking extremely pure, energized water, which the doctor kind of rolled her eyes at, but in the end said, “well keep going”, because there was a marked improvement for all of my labs. I sent her a link to the system, hopefully she’ll explore it or eventually recommend to other patients. I really do think it was the water that cause of the improvements, I’ve felt great since starting to drink it. Thought you might enjoy this feedback. Cheers!”

— Julia M.

Your right to natural water

Every cell of your body is designed to accept untainted, bioavailable water – not the chemical cocktail flowing through most taps. Ensuring your access to pure revitalized water provides you, your family, your plants, and your pets the building blocks that sustains all life.

Pure, natural water is your birthright, not a luxury.

Ensure your right to pure, natural water.

Take control of what flows into your body and home – Protect your health, ensure your future, and make the choice for pure, revitalized water today.


  • Our filtration system creates pure, mineral rich water, that respects the fact that you need nature to finish the process of water purification. The 7-Step process creates a water with the same geometry as water falling from the sky as rain, or the life-giving water of a vibrant running river. Every cell of your body rapidly absorbs water when it’s in this coherent natural state. You will feel and taste the difference.

  • Tap water travels to your home through pipes that are sometimes over a hundred years old. Communities throughout the country continue to get notices that the water coming into their home contains lead. Even on their best day water treatment plants only focus on disinfecting water and have no filtration to account for the pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, PFOA, and other cancer-causing chemicals that is in our tap water. Enter your zip code into the’s tap water database to discover the cancer-causing chemicals in your city’s water supply. Almost every city we’ve tested has at least a few chemicals that woud be addressed by our system. Our systems reduces hundreds of these toxicans by 99%. The unfortunate fact remains that if you don’t filter your water, you become the filter.

  • That is not our perspective. While bad water is discarded during the process of filtration we recognize it for what it is, which is that reverse osmosis uses water to wash water. Just like you’re not wasting water when wash your body for hygienic reasons, here too, you’re not wasting water when you use water in a process that separates pure and contaminated water.

  • Hardly any, all you need to do is swap filters when they are ready to be changed. This needs to be done once a year, but many people chose to do it sooner. It really depends on the quality of the water entering your home and your comfort level. The system gets flushed with a sanitizing rinse during the filter replacement. You can schedule one of our certified technicians do this process for you. No other maintence is required.

  • Not only is it safe, we are constantly getting feedback from customers that their pets love the water. It has been one of the many reoccurring surprises to hear that yet another dog who would not typically drink much water will suddenly start drinking bowls of it. Amongst ourselves we assume this is because the dogs can at least smell the lack of chlorine, but some owners really think the dogs can detect the other range of chemicals in a lot of our tap water.

  • Our system uses a multi-stage process, including reverse osmosis, to remove contaminants, chemicals, and impurities from tap water. In the final stages, we add essential minerals back into the water, enriching it to enhance taste and health benefits.

  • While the system and instructions are designed to take a handy homeowner through the installation process step-by-by, you can also opt to have one of our certified installers set it up for you. They’ll ensure its installed correctly, often times in under an hour.

Talk to us

Feel free to send us a message, any questions you may have, and we will be in touch shortly.